Groovy Cuts for Kids First Haircut Tips

Tips for Making Your Child’s First Haircut Fun & Easy!

Groovy Cuts for Kids, 1st haircut

When to Cut

Babies as young as two months come in for their first haircut, while some children don’t visit the salon until they are 2 years old. Keep in mind that
every child is different and there is no certain age at which they need
that first cut. Here are some signs it’s time for your baby’s first haircut:

Preparing for the First Haircut

A haircut is a new experience for your child, so you should
prepare yourself. Your child will most likely be apprehensive so be prepared for the tears. Interestingly, many
times it’s the parents who are more scared than their child is! Follow these tips to ensure success!

During the First Haircut

Even the most prepared child can get the “first haircut jitters”. Here’s some advice on having
a fuss-free and positive haircut experience:

The more fun you can make the trip to the salon, the better!  Follow these simple tips for your child’s
first haircut, second haircut, third haircut, and so on until getting a haircut is a breeze!